In the News: Bo-Linda Vista: The path to permanent housing (Point Reyes Light)
“Despite the turbulence, the residents enjoy the peaceful nature of the mesa, with soaring birds and grazing livestock. The neighborhood is quiet, and the air is still. Inside the trailers, families are growing together, children are studying with university aspirations in mind, and there are genuine moments of shared joy.”
In the News: Resolutions in Sight for Bo RV Park
The Bolinas Community Land Trust has reached a deal to purchase the Tacherra ranch, where it plans to replace 23 condemned structures with new farmworker housing. The trust and the receiver in charge of the property expect to sign a purchase-and-sale agreement within days.
In the News: Emergency homes open in Bolinas
"After work on Tuesday, a dozen Bolinas families received keys to their new homes in a temporary R.V. park just yards from their old ramshackle ranch housing. Children raced around the freshly graded grounds while their parents signed leases and toured trailers with staff from the Bolinas Community Land Trust, which plans to replace the condemned housing with permanent, affordable homes." (Ben Stocking / Point Reyes Light)
In the News: Emergency housing set to open in Bo
"About 60 people living in condemned housing on a Bolinas ranch could begin moving into an emergency R.V. park next door as early as next week. The project’s organizers are forging ahead even though they are still scrambling to secure all the permits and money they will need to keep the project running after it opens."
In the News: Bolinas ranch tenants take legal action
"Tenants living in condemned housing on a Bolinas ranch have gone to court to demand the repayment of rent and unspecified damages as compensation for threats to their health, safety and emotional wellbeing."
In the News: Bolinas RVs get water approval
A plan to build emergency housing for Bolinas farmworkers has cleared a major hurdle, with local utility regulators approving water service for the project despite the village’s strict limits on water consumption.